A review by discomagpie
The Cry of the Sloth by Sam Savage


I gave this book a 4.5/5 on InsatiableBooksluts.com. My co-reviewer, Rob, gave the book a 3/5.

We often do discussion-style reviews at our site. Here's an excerpt:

"Susie: well… (grins) I could tell exactly why you didn’t like it, but I thought I’d let you put it in your own words.
Rob: I didn’t marginalia it much. I wonder why? Probably it was just too boring and irritating to bother.
Rob: Oh, I know exactly why I didn’t like it.
Rob: Andrew Whittaker sounds like Holden Caulfield–all grown up, but still whining, and pissing, and moaning about his life. It was Catcher in the Rye Part 2 for me.
Susie: I thought it was hilarious. I laughed out loud when he wrote in a letter about how that guy wrote like Hemingway would have written, had Hemingway never gone to high school.
Rob: it made me laugh a few times, early on, but midway through that stopped. I just wanted to get it done.
Susie: Andrew’s writing is dreadful.. which made me appreciate Sam Savage, it must be damn difficult to be a purposely bad writer in a way that isn’t actually making the book terrible.
Rob: lol–yeah, he pulled that off pretty well. And while I can appreciate it, and while some of it was funny, the overall book gave me bad flashbacks. Heh.
Rob: There was one very good line though, on pg 55. He’s talking to Miss Moss, and he says, “As for God, I am not simply agnostic–I am indifferent…” I think that’s Savage peeking through there, it was too poetic and subtle for Andrew."

Read the read of the review discussion at our site.