A review by aligroen
There's Something About Ari by L.B. Gregg


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Audiobook Review:

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

Buck Ellis’s future seems pretty damn bright. With a full college scholarship in hand, he’s going to ditch Bluewater Bay and pave the way for his kid brother Charlie to do the same. The only fly in Buck’s ointment is his ten-year addiction to his best friend since second grade, his true love, and his Achilles heel: Ari Valentine, Mr. Least Likely to Succeed.

But then Buck’s mother dies, changing everything, and five years later, his future is still on hold. It’s a struggle to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and Charlie on the straight and narrow. Buck can’t afford any temptation, especially in the form of the newly returned, super hot, super confident, super successful television star Ari Valentine.

ADHD poster-child Ari Valentine left for Hollywood and lost everything, including his bad reputation. Then the breakthrough role of his skyrocketing career lands him back in Bluewater Bay, to the stunned disbelief of, well, everyone. But there’s only one person Ari longs to impress—the only person who ever really mattered to him, the person he left behind: Buck Ellis.

Nothing has gone right for Buck in years; his mother died, his best friend left and he was left alone to take care of his younger brother. He has pretty much spent the last five years in standstill, still working at the coffee shop and just surviving and suddenly his best friend decides to come back to town and move in next door upsetting everything. Ari is not willing to give up on Buck and is determined to keep pushing till he gets what he wants.

This was a nice story, if a bit short. Most of the book was spent with Buck determined to stay away from Ari and keep everything the same. There isn’t much of a conclusion to their problems, just Buck deciding not to fight it anymore. I wish there had been a bit more to the story and that I had been able to see them actually work through their problems a bit more.

Nick Russo once again did a wonderful job narrating this story. I could connect with the characters through the voices and emotions he portrayed.

Cover art by LC Chase is nice and follows the pattern for the series.

Sales Links: Riptide | Audible | Amazon | iTunes

Audiobook Details:
Audiobook, 2 hrs 41 min
Published: May 9, 2016 (ebook first published November 10, 2014)
Edition Language: English
Series: Bluewater Bay #2