A review by emsoap
Pulse by Gail McHugh


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Title: Pulse

Author: Gail McHugh

Genre: New adult

Series: #2 in Collide

My rating: 4 stars

Goodreads Summary

How do you keep existing when your heart is so splintered, so completely torn to shreds, your pulse is fading?

You’re… broken. How do you move forward when every breath is nothing more than a constant ache? Living becomes an insidious reminder that you threw away the single largest part of yourself. Your… soul. No amount of distraction can pull you from the torture of losing your… life.

Now that Emily Cooper has walked away from her first love, she finds herself running toward her only love. Unraveling fast, but clinging to hope, Emily risks all she has left on the man that has consumed her every thought and dream since the day they met. Will Gavin take her back? And if so, will their reunion be a collision of two hearts destined to complete one another and rekindle a love that knew no boundaries? Or will scars from their past rip open, tearing slowly at what each of them was meant to be? Can fate, the ultimate game changer, mend the shattered road it laid out from the start?

Only time will tell…


My Review

This book was very different from the first one, mostly because Emily was solidly with Gavin for most of the story. It was a bit rocky for them in the beginning, but they eventually work things out early in this book.

Emily and Gavin have a great relationship. The last book had a bit of insta-love between them, but in this novel you could really see their relationship build and you could see why they love each other, which is always very important for me to be able to see with couples in stories. They communicated very well with each other, which was refreshing (and different from the last book, where they had a lot of miscommunications which caused a lot of problems).

Overall, there wasn't much story, but I enjoyed it all the same. The main conflict wasn't between Emily and Gavin, so their relationship were the highlight of the book for me.

Also, there's a moment towards the end that was brilliant. I almost started crying! You'll know when you get to it :)


A good ending to the series, Pulse is a great read that you'll enjoy if you liked the first book in the series.