A review by bent
One Fat Englishman by Kingsley Amis


Just a dreadful book. Unfunny, uninteresting - short, but felt long. The protagonist is very unlikeable and the surrounding cast of characters are all fairly two-dimensional. There is nothing of value in this book. I probably wouldn't have finished it except it was so short I figured that I might as might soldier on.

I have read one Amis book, [b:Lucky Jim|395182|Lucky Jim|Kingsley Amis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1373459729l/395182._SY75_.jpg|876732] that was worth reading. Otherwise, I've found his books to be mostly dull, although this is by far the worst one I've read. The only reason that I even read it was that I was talking to my father about Amis and we both agreed on the merits of Lucky Jim, and he said that this was the only other one of Amis's books that he'd ever enjoyed. I guess I'll take his recommendations with a grain of salt in future.