A review by kne
Torment by Lauren Kate


This falls somewhere between "okay" and "liked it." Frankly, I don't understand the main characters' relationship. In fact, it kind of reminds me of Evernight, where the guy is not that appealing but she has a close male friend (in this case, Miles) who seems perfect. Luce is a pretty weak character, pining about how beautiful and frustrating Daniel is. She loves him but she knows nothing about him. And people thought Bella and Edward were bad.

Kate also added a lot of mythology here, and I'm torn between thinking it's cool and it's too jumbled. Suddenly the shadows are "Announcers," which can be used to see the future, travel across state lines, and who knows what else. So that's neat. But it's also a little too convenient.

So I was entertained enough to read this is two days and interested enough to read the next in the series, but I'm far from enraptured.