A review by heather4994
Tempest by Julie Cross


This is one of those stories that you have to let sink in. Almost every time travel novel I've read has been like that. Especially when they go back and forth at different times. Not just one jump, but several. It does get confusing, the how and the when and what it all means and it gets tiring like I was the one doing the jumping. So after I finished Tempest, I set it aside for a few days. Now, I'm ready to review it.

First, I really didn't get a chance to connect to Holly, the girlfriend. I just didn't have enough time with her to really feel a connection. I felt like Jackson was just going through the motions with her to get what he wanted. Not necessarily sex, but companionship. I think there was something real between them, I think she filled a need for him, but I'm not sure I can put a name on it.

I didn't really warm up to Jackson right away. I felt for him in his situation, but he didn't quite reach that place inside of me, not until much further in the book. Not until he needed to do something he hadn't done in the past and he did and God, was I tearing up trying not to cry. Once I do I'm done for. I can't seem to keep the grit out of my eyes. But that's when I hopped on the Jackson train. It was the most unselfish thing he'd done, and from then on he thought with his head.

He learns all kinds of crazy stuff about his family, things he never knew that really blow his mind. His dad isn't who he thought he was at all. People are trying to kill him or at the very least chase him and catch him. And this is all two years in the past where he's trying to keep Holly safe. It's a very fast paced novel and like I said all the time jumps and attempts to learn things about himself really keep you on your toes. The novel is 334 pages long, but could have been much longer. It was entertaining, but it didn't kill me at the end to close the last page despite the ending. There's closure of a sort, but I know we've only touched the surface. And Jackson with his best friend Adam have much to discover about his abilities and their effects on the world.

This novel begins with the characters in college so there is sex involved, probably a few swear words, not enough that I noticed. So use your best judgement. Definitely for the older YA reader. Also do not forget there is a lead in story, a prequel on Amazon called Tomorrow is Today. It's free on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble. So read those before the story! I'll definitely want to read the next in the series for several reasons, because of Emily, who you will find out about and to see what he does about Holly. I'm a big Jackson fan at the end here. He did something I could never do!