A review by taylorfennerwrites
Cogling by Jordan Elizabeth


An interesting steampunk novel!

I received a free copy of Cogling in exchange for an honest review.

After a hag takes fifteen-year-old Edna’s brother in the middle of the night and replaces him with a “cogling”, a sort-of clone version of the child made up of cogs and held together by a watch; Edna knows there’s something wrong with her brother the next morning. He is not acting like himself at all.

It isn’t until the butler of their employer spots a fancy watch around Harrison’s neck and Edna is forced to take Harrison home where she pulls the watch from his neck and he disintegrates into a pile of cogs that she learns the horrible truth.

But how could this happen? Nobody believes what Edna is trying to tell them, not her neighbor, nor the man at the theater where her mother works, and especially not the police. Then she encounters Ike, a thief out to rob her of the watch she holds… as the whole awful story spills out of her she finally finds not only someone to believe her, but someone who knows what is happening.

Ike tells Edna that children are being kidnapped by hags and are being forced to work in their factories. Coglings are left in these kidnapped children’s places. The police and the King seem either oblivious or unwilling to do anything. Ike agrees to take her to the hag’s factory in the swamps so Edna can save her brother… for a price.

As Edna and Ike set off on their journey they travel into the seedier side of the world. Will Edna be able to save Harrison? And is Ike someone she can really trust? Especially when Edna learns the huge secret that Ike is keeping about his true identity and his real motivation to help her?

I liked this book. Ike was my favorite character by far. The story was interesting overall and it’s not the type of book I usually read, so it was a nice change. If you’re a fan of steampunk you’ll gobble this book up!