A review by cadiva
A Sniper's Devotion by Christa Tomlinson


This one's my favourite in the series so far. There's only a little bit of angst and the BDSM element is limited to a bit of smacking and some light domination.

Hector and Miguel made a sweet pair, without any of the daft misunderstandings which can often get in the way as plot points. Hectoring coming to terms with his feelings for his oldest friend were also handled well.

The tension was centred on Miguel's ex boyfriend stalking him and it meant there was a sense of urgency the closer to the end of the book I got. Again, I think that was also handled well with a perfectly believable outcome.

There's a lovely epilogue and it fits well into the narrative and I did firmly believe in their HEA.

#ARC received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.