A review by kilosmom7
Switching Time: A Doctor's Harrowing Story of Treating a Woman with 17 Personalities, by Richard Baer


I have been dying to write this review.

I was curious at first to see the way MPD/DID would be described in this book. And I WAS BLOWN AWAY.
the several personalities were distinct and i grew to love them as characters in Karen's story.
reading about how fragmented and desperate this woman was to be put back together was heartbreaking. Karen had no idea how many years she had lost, and for someone like me who has had no experience with DID this was so interesting to visualize Karen's mental home and all of her coping mechanisms.

this was a longer read than i had planned but the content was kind of confusing if you didn't get all the parts in order.

the integration section was my favorite. I was proud of Karen and her alters for finding the strength to come together to become a whole. Giving up the freedoms and tasks they had been dictating for Karen's whole life for the better of the whole system.

MUST READ for those interested in MPD/DID