A review by tomasthanes
Rosehead by Ksenia Anske


I love stories that are carefully crafted (as this one is). Like a perfect rose, each petal perfectly in place, the colors and curves exactly what they should be.

Rather than playing "She loves me, she loves me not" and pulling each exquisite petal off to see how the story was constructed, (which would be contemptible, wayward, squalid, abject, unbearable, gruesome, odious, sordid, turbid, and innocuous), I will simply tell you that, despite the warnings from the author (@kseniaanske) on Twitter, I really enjoyed the book and kept reading.

The Bloom family was sufficiently quirky and German. Since I'm mostly German (or Swiss), this was rather enjoyable.

Oh, and Panther. A cat in a dog's body, a whippet of extraordinary breeding (though a runt by someone's definition), and expressive to a fault.

Another thing that I liked were the seemingly random but completely relevant quotes from [b:The Hound of the Baskervilles|8921|The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes, #5)|Arthur Conan Doyle|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1355929358s/8921.jpg|3311984]. This book was used in the same way that Dorothy from Kansas used a Bible to determine her next step: open it at random and put your finger on the page, then read and follow whatever is beneath your finger tip. By the way, following this methodology can be dangerous if the choice is really important, but then you knew this.