A review by labyrinth_witch
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo


This was a tough book to listen to, but well worth the discomfort. I absolutely saw myself reflected in much of what she was talking about. I liked that she discussed the racist=bad/not racist=good binary that white people get hung up on, protecting our “good person” identity. Other things that struck me was how people join equity committees not to challenge their own racism but because that’s what “good people” do. How we have been conditioned not to experience a lack of cross racial relationships as missing anything of value. Her discussion of white woman tears. Most of all- her premise that everyone is racist. It’s not a question of “if, but how our racism manifests.” This was illuminating and I recommend it to all white people, particularly those who claim not to be racists.