A review by paigelm
The Invisible Garden, by Dorothy Sucher


What a beautiful collection of different stories about beginning a garden or a life as a gardener. Her projects were inspired and thoughtful, and as she duly noted, completely temporary. I appreciated her chapter about her struggle and her relationship with her daughter, one of them somehow always getting it wrong and never being able to get over that divide.

She points out some very clear things. For instance, how when other people see the garden you are working on it is beautifully and wonderful, but every time you look at the garden you are working on it becomes a reminder of your own failures within the garden--of all things that you didn't do.

I was very excited as she is talking about gardening specifically in Vermont, and how my gardening is in Vermont, to write to her about how much I appreciated her book. I did not read the book soon enough, but maybe if I send out a mental letter of thanks for her book she will get it anyway. Some things do live on past the time that we tend to them.