A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
Rebel Wing by Tracy Banghart


I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley.

Rebel Wing has a strong protagonist, good writing, and a fairly original plotline. What it failed to do, however, was ever truly grab me. There was no excitement or spark. It had all the right ingredients for a great story, but it never became truly amazing.

Aris was a main character that I could definitely root for. She's not weak, which I was really happy about. She isn't exactly the "kick-butt" type of character, but she still comes off as a strong character. I like how throughout the story her motives for joining the military progressed from just following a boy to doing it because she felt like she was meant to do it. Because honestly, risking her life to see Calix, although it sounds quite romantic, is, as the wise Dysis said in this book, a bit stupid.

The secondary characters were, although not outstanding, pretty well-developed. I liked Dysis a lot. She had a well-developed personality, and I thought she added to the story. Though her romance with Daaken was a bit unnecessary to the book; I didn't think it added all that much to the story and was kind of just thrown in there for some unknown reason.

The plot was good, but slow. Even during parts that should have been quite exciting, it felt very slow paced. A good portion of the story was Aris training for the military, which I did not find interesting.

I did not know exactly how I felt at the fact that there seems to be a setup for a love triangle in the next books. On one hand, I'm not a big fan of Calix, and if she gets another love interest (I won't say who) that would be great. On the other hand...love triangle. Ugh.

I think the main problem of this book is the fact that it tries to tell two separate stories at the same time, but it never gets fully accomplished. One story is Aris'. The other is Ward Galena's. And, while both of the storylines are important to the book, I always felt a bit jarred out of the story when it would switch from Aris to Galena. Perhaps if Galena's story would have been toned down a bit, I could have focused more on the main plot.

Rebel Wing is an okay book that I fairly enjoyed. Sadly, it had a few flawas that kept it from being a great book.