A review by rubyn
Ten Thousand Words by Kelli Jean

Aaaaaaaaarrrrgghhhh I dislike absolutely dislike leaving me in the dark.
How do I feel about this book.....
1. This novel has been apart of my recommendation list(s) for like EVER and I don't know why I had always skipped it. I wasn't exactly disappointed but that ending, may I repeat arrrrggghhhh
2. Xanthe,that NAME, awesommmmeee. She was odd, weird and cool. So many layers which Ollie enjoyed peeling
3. Oliver, Ollie, player player who fell HARD and had no inkling of what to do about it so he did some shitty things though he paid well for them. Definitely enough groveling was done by Ollie plus a knife to the stomach, literally.
4. Almost all the secondary characters had names starting with R, kinda got confused there, truly, what was up with that, Rex, Ricki, Ronen some Renee in there 🤔
5. All in all, it was enjoyable truly truly
Will I read the next one, hmmmmm it's about Ricki and Jaime, not so excited since they are already hooked up
Will see!!!