A review by books_over_everything
Castles in their Bones, by Laura Sebastian


Initial Thoughts
I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian but I really learned to love the rest of the series. When I learned about this series, I was eager to give it a read.

Some Things I Liked
Multiple POVs. While the cast of characters was a bit much to juggle at times, I actually really loved the three converging points of view. Each sister was completely unique and her circumstances unique as well. I loved the way the stories felt disconnected but also that they were drawing closer to each other with each chapter.
Romance and relationships. I loved the way each sister found the relationships she was missing or that she needed. There was romance, friendship, and even a father daughter relationship that developed and I really loved that it wasn’t just all romance.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About
This book had a slow start for me. I started it in November and only just picked it back up yesterday. The beginning was captivating but I found myself temporarily bogged down by the lengthy list of characters.

Series Value
While this book had a slow start, I feel like I understand it all now and I would definitely read the next book in the series. There are many unanswered questions and I can’t wait to see what direction the story takes.

Final Thoughts
I really enjoyed this book. I think if it stays on this pace, I’ll like this series even more than Ash Princess.
