A review by abookishaffair
The Pilgrim by Hugh Nissenson


It took me a little while to get into this book but after the slow start, I really liked it. This is the first fiction book that I can remember reading that covers the Puritans before they leave England for religious freedom in the New World. I guess what took me a little bit to get into the book is that Charles Wentworth, Puritan and the narrator, is sort of a bland character. Also, I didn't really like reading about Wentworth's life in England as not too much goes on besides the loss of his betrothed.

What makes the book interesting is more the things that go on around him, especially when he gets to the Plymouth Colony. The book covers a lot about the relationships between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. I guess I didn't realize how contentious their relationship was so it was kind of interesting from that perspective. The story of the Native Americans and the Pilgrims that we usually hear is that of the whole Thanksgiving thing so it was kind of neat to hear another facet of the story. It was also interesting to see the reasons that Charles decided to stay in the Plymouth Colony when so many things were going wrong or badly.

If you are a patient reader (which sometimes I am not), this book could be a really wonderful read with Thanksgiving on your mind.