A review by scrollsofdragons
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao


Relationships -2.5 From a villainous perspective I liked how Xifeng's relationship with the Emperor and with Kang bounced off one another- they all have their own greedy ambitions and the Emperor knows she's a snake as much as she knows he is one and their attitude becomes snakes stick together, same as with Kang.

Characters-2 I liked Xifeng for a villain but I still felt she was going along with what the Serpent God wanted more then what she did-I just felt her agency wasn't all there and I like my villains to be driven by the evil within them rather then by another hand.

That Isao solider, he pissed me off because there's this warrior women and he's like 'if you married them off, they'd stop their nonsense' ('their nonsense' because of course when a woman fights it's nonsense but when you do it, it's your right and men can save women from being strong willed warriors as fucking if mate) and 'they're only called the crimson army because they're stirred to anger once a month when they're on their period' (which by the way Lol but also, screw you) What a ultimate douche. He was killed, thankfully though.

And that Wei, being like your aunt controls you and I want to get you away from her control which great, only turns out he wants to control her. And when she complains he is like- let you speak your mind, be thankful. Like, screw you dude. I was glad he got his heart broken, hypocrite.
And that Lady Sun who acts like a bratty child, what did the Emperor see in her? She died,it was great.
The right characters got dealt with, it had that going for it. I was so glad when that happened but overall, there were no characters I really cared about.

Enjoyability-3 Pacing was slow but it managed to keep my interest.
Plot-3 I just wish more focus was on the meetings and events that Xifeng attended rather then the petty but dramatic harem dramas.
Writing-3.5 Quite beautifully written and kept the flow going. However it wasn't all there for me.
Originality-2 An Asian setting but still nothing too new.

World Building-2 We get mythology and how things work in court with some kingdom name dropping but that's it. Where's the culture of this entire world? What exists beyond Feng Lu? What are the attitudes towards religion and magic and identity and sexuality? How are women treated outside of the Forest Kingdom-I know there's queen rulers but it is because there's no males to rule in their place or are they seen as equals or betters? What's society like outside of villages and the imperial city? What exactly is the magic in this world and how aware of it are others?

And does blood mean anything when it comes to ruling because I couldn't get a clear picture-I don't get how the Emperor who is a very distant relative can still hold the throne after his direct descent of the Dragon Lord wife died. It's mentioned the previous Emperor gave him the title as well as his wife which is why he holds it but surely the children borne of the direct descent hold more right yet even the crown prince when of age couldn't take it and then especially with a child of Xifeng and Jun taking precedence over the direct heir-Princess Jade. Like surely the last descent of the dragon lord should be the next emperor before a child of Xifeng and Jun. I wish it could have been made more clearer.

For a total of 2.57 so round up to 3 but feels most to me as a 2.5. I think the book missed the potential it could have been. I may read the sequel.