A review by literarypengwyns
Whore by Willow Aster


YUP. I just gave a book titled “Whore” 5 SOLID stars. Let this be a lesson to you... don’t judge a book by its cover OR its title.

Inspired by the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer, this modern tale of a “first class whore”, named Lilith, who was born into a long line of whores finds her life turned upside down when her previous “love” and mob boss, Nico, pops back in demanding a life with Lilith. When his demands result in her life burning to the ground, she runs into a knight in shining armor, Soti, who vows to protect her with little promise from her in return.

I know what you are thinking.......”this is your average smutty new adult novel with little to no substance and will make my brain rot.” WRONG. I swear I thought the same thing going in. I swear I thought the same thing about 15% of the way through. And then I realized that the writing was so powerful and unique and that this story isn’t something I’ve read before. It’s something that drew me in and made me believe in the power of a selfless love, not just “lust” or “possession” or “sex”. Like Lili’s selflessness with Soti and Soti’s (MY GOD SOTI IS AN ANGEL) selflessness with Lili was NOTHING SHORT OF INSPIRING. Then toss in a mob story that hooks you in AND set it in New Orleans and, you, my friend, WILL. BE. HOOKED.

GAH! I just really loved the story, the characters were so developed and I found little to be frustrating within the plot. You end up truly caring and truly feeling the highs and lows alongside Lili and Soti. JUST FLIPPING READ WHORE.

* ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review via Netgalley. *