A review by martinasfunes
The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World by Haemin Sunim

hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


“If you have developed critical intelligence but neglected emotional intelligence,
then you may not be sensitive to the suffering of others.
If you have developed emotional intelligence but neglected spiritual intelligence,
then you may lose hope after seeing the world's
If you have developed spiritual intelligence but neglected critical intelligence,
then you may fall victim to the abuse of a cult”.

“I realized that Truth is not the exclusive property of any one religion. It has a universal quality that allows people of different religious traditions to recognize and respect it”. 

“He complains about her behind her back.
She, without knowing anything, approaches him and says the kindest words.
The best revenge is love”. 

“If I had to summarize the entirety of an enlightened person's life in a few words, it would be complete acceptance of what is.
As we accept what is, our minds are relaxed and composed
while the world changes rapidly around us”.