A review by night_owl
The Folly of Loving Life, by Monica Drake


I was expecting a nebulous collection of assorted short stories but in actuality these individual pieces come together almost like a novel with a slightly amorphous structure. they concern a common set of characters, and while they are arranged chronologically, there are enough gaps and tangents that it didn't pace like a novel. it reminds me a bit of Salinger's "Raise High The Roofbeams" in that sense, but far superior in my opinion.

all that said, and despite about a hundred brilliant little quirky moments of individual brilliance it didn't quite coalesce the way Clown Girl or the Stud Book do. it made me smile often, but it never made me laugh out loud the way that Clown Girl did.

sometimes the short works are the best way to get an introduction to a writer, but in this case I'd still recommend one of the full novels.