A review by kathykekmrs
Helping Mayor Patty by Fran Manushkin


I received this from Net Galley and read it to my three year old granddaughter. This book may be a trifle old for her as the concepts of City Council meetings went over her head.

Katie's Aunt Patty is mayor of this town and is having a meeting to decide how the town's tax money should be spent to help its citizens and residents. Someone suggested better streetlights, and someone says a fire station would be useful. Another man wants more trash cans and someone else wants help with squirrels. The squirrels eating bird seed is not the town's responsibility and this is mentioned so that children will understand that government cannot solve all of our problems.

Katie's suggestion is a Park as too many children are playing in the street.

When the votes are tallied the town will pay for a Fire Station, Streetlight, Garbage Cans, and the Park. Pedro will not get ice cream and the man with squirrels will have to get different bird feeders. This shoes young children how government works. There are questions and an interview in the back to help children understand the mayor's job better, regardless of whether they live in big cities or small towns.