A review by eyed
Prayers in Steel by Michael McClung


Another really good story by Michael McClung. Until the end of last year I had only read is Amra series. This year I gave been reading as much of his other work as I can get my hands on and have been enjoying all of it.

This is the start of a new series that has some interesting characters that I can't wait to learn more about. Anya the extremely powerful witch is my favorite among them so far. Caida could turn out to be another I like depending on how his story plays out but so far not so much. The world is pretty standard fantasy but who knows if we have met everything that inhabits it so far.

This was a very fast once I actually had some time to sit down with it. I would recommend this to anyone that has enjoyed Mr. McClung's previous books as well as any fans of fantasy in general. He is an excellent author and I am looking forward to reading more in his both his current series.