A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz


The Eyes of Darkness. A title that gave me chills as I inhaled this spectacular, genre busting novel. A government whose role it is meant to be to protect the citizens of their country. They aren’t meant to cover up a catastrophic accident and keep a grieving mother from finding out the true cause of her sons’ demise. This novel is the best example at highlighting that the human condition is the real monsters lurking in the dark. Their penchant for control, devastation and blood thirsty violence is the main theme played throughout.

Sounds intriguing, right? The Eyes of Darkness was magnetic. Every time I put the book down to do chores, I just had to come straight back to it. The synopsis was brief and vague but gave me the carrot and stick analogy. The more delved further into the abyss of the plot, the more I knew that it would swallow me whole! A horror/suspense novel with elements of the supernatural, count me all the way in. it doesn’t follow the usual scripture of the horror genre…it had a stick of TNT under it and Koontz was going to blow it up when you stood on the precipice.

Tina Evans has had a terrible year. First her marriage dissolved and then she found out her only child, Danny had died in a terrible accident whilst hiking with his scout group in the Sierra mountains. She was never given the closure of viewing Danny’s body because there wasn’t much left of it. Now, a year on, it doesn’t hurt as much but someone or something has raked all those feeling back into her subconscious. Someone wants to mess with her. Someone doesn’t want the past to stay buried.

Tina, our protagonist in The Eyes of Darkness is everything I love in a character. No matter how much she has been battered into the ground she just refuses to stay there and succumb to the desolation the situation has put her into. I wanted her to succeed in her career, kick her mentally abusive ex husband to the curb for good, and most of all I was rooting for her and Elliott to get over past hurts together. She is the epitome of a bad ass woman – you’ll just have to take my word for it and read the book.

You really don’t know who you can trust in this novel…the answer is no-one and that’s probably a good life lesson to take forward. Everyone has their own agenda. Everyone will most likely stab you in the back if it came to a you or me situation. One thing was clear, family is and should always be the most important motivator. Hell have no fury like a mother scorned.

The Eyes of Darkness was horror novel with an interesting twist. Another one that kept me up well past my bedtime. It’s frightening realism is never scarier than it is right now!