A review by melhara
Level Five by William Ledbetter



I really wanted to like this book as the premise of AI's and nano-tech taking over the world was quite interesting.

Unfortunately, I found the expository writing to be quite dull at times., especially the first half of the novel (which dealt with explaining most of the technology found in this book). Don't get me wrong - the technological advances presented in this book were fascinating, but the scientific details were lost on me.

Also, although the characters were kind of interesting, I felt that they weren't fleshed out enough to make me care about them. Their relationships and the connection between all the characters were also lacking. In fact, now that I really think about it, I didn't really care for any of the human characters at all.

Finally, the ending was fast-paced, intense, and dark, but left quite a bit of loose ends. It appears that there is a second book available (which I hope will tie up the loose ends) but I don't think I'm invested enough in the story to want to check it out.

*I received an eARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.*