A review by pidgevorg
The Line by J. D. Horn


Four stars just for the character Mother Jilo alone. The image of Jilo in her bright colored dress, scheming as she sits in the middle of her inter-dimensional room with its “haint” colored walls, with that three legged cat on her lap licking its phantom paw... that just stuck in my mind. In a good way. Not in a creepy way at all... Anyway, her character was so complex and fascinating, even though it didn't so much develop as was revealed slowly. The rest of the characters were pretty interesting too, with the exception of the main heroine. She, of course, had to be a speshul! preshus! poster child for cheap self-help books, probably to attract Bella Swan fans, who apparently think this is a strong and appealing personality. But I just pretended like she was a somewhat annoying but disembodied third person narrator instead of a first person one. Which actually worked out just fine because when push came to shove she had so little agency anyway. Mother Jilo should have been the narrator. Well, maybe next time? Also, there should be a Booker, or Pulitzer, or some kind of snooty award for best character, and Jilo should get it.