A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
The One That Got Away: A Novel by Charlotte Rixon


4.5 stars

*I received a free copy of The One That Got Away. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review which is honest and unbiased.*

I really enjoyed Benjamin and Clara's story. It spanned over a bit more than 20 years, with flashbacks from 2022 to 2002 and 2012. At the beginning, it read like a romance, but it wasn't really that. The One That Got Away is a love story, though. But not all that conventional.

Have you ever wondered what if... about someone you were with when you were younger? How your life would have turned out different if only you had made some different choices? Both the good and the bad. That's what happened here with both Clara and Benjamin. They felt like they would be together forever when they were young - and they both kept having regrets long, long after they left uni.

Really well written, The One That Got Away has a lot of heartache, a little happiness, some hope, and quite a bit of working on oneself for both of the main characters.