A review by hollanddavis
The Queen of Days by Greta Kelly

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
Why is Bal’s POV written in first person and Tass’s written in third? I’m sure there’s a reason Greta Kelly made this creative choice (considering who and what each character is) , but, as a reader, I thought it was distracting and it pulled me out of the story every time they switched. 

Honestly, the plot’s was good up to this point, but Kelly ultimately lost me with long conceptual conversations about Time as a construct between Bal and Tass. It all started to feel very Interstellar (2014) where Matthew McConaughey talks to young daughter through the space/time continuum to save humanity and then is later reunited with his daughter as an old woman but he’s stayed the same age. Like does it make sense if I sit down and really think about it? Yeah. Sure. I guess. But is that what I want, or was I signing up for a heist book that quickly took a much more complex turn?
Will I eventually pick this book up to finish it? Probably not, which is sad because the world building was intriguing and I’d like to know how it ends, but I guess not enough to get past these road blocks. 

Memorable quotes: 
 “I gestured upward, giving her an eloquent look of “What the fuck?””

“She bowed her head, allowing herself two heartbeats to lament her family’s betrayal and a third to come to terms with a past she could not change. When she lifted her head again, she was ready to move on.
         And if her heart did not believe her, her head was willing to pretend.”