A review by sleeping_while_awake
Horizon by Fran Wilde


Horizon is the final book in the Bone Universe trilogy. The first book in the series, Updraft, got a lot of attention for its world-building, which remains strong in its two successors.

With the knowledge that the bone towers of the city will not remain standing forever, Kirit, Nat, and Macal work towards a solution for their people. Kirit explores the ground, Nat climbs the towers to warn everyone, and Macal tries to keep the peace that the blackwings are trying to undo.

I was bored for most of the book. Kirit's parts were the most interesting, as they generally featured something new, but Nat and Macal were really boring. The problem was that their parts were very repetitive. Each chapter was the same issue, being repeated ad naseum.

In looking back over the trilogy, I really enjoyed the worldbuilding. However, I think that it probably would have been better served as one longer novel with a lot of scenes cut out.

I didn't connect well with the characters and maybe this is due to the writing style. There are authors that I just don't click with. Maybe it was the seriousness that all the characters constantly carried. There were barely any glimpses of lightheartedness. Just constant nail-biting and frowning by everyone.

I think Wilde has potential, and I will be interested to see what she publishes in the future.