A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
The Hollows by Chris Ryall


To say that this graphic novel offers anything new in the context of a dystopian future would be correct. To say that it is bad would be incorrect. I’ve seen most of the ideas in other works, including the idea of people living in trees. Of course, zombies are the latest fad.
Yet, there is something about this comic. Maybe it’s the character of Urp, who should be marketed as a toy even if he (?) does look like a cross between a pink jellybean and a booger.
No, that’s not it.
It’s the earnestness about it as well as a lovely since of the human. It is even present in the panels.
The story concerns a scientist who may be responsible for the dystopia that he find himself, a place where people live in huge giant trees to escape the Hollows, the zombies. When people who live in the trees need something they scavenge from the world below, and it is on one such shopping trip that Mr. Flying Man, as he becomes, discovers something. And it is a bit more than Urp.
It is the reaction to the discovery that leads to the overall impression of the comic. The earnestness that pervades it. And it is this unnamable feeling that makes the comic a joy to read, even if it does borrow from other sources. Think of Harry Potter and distillation that Rowling did. That’s what this is.

(Copy via Netgalley)