A review by notlikethebeer
A Good Idea by Cristina Moracho

I really enjoyed this, although I do have some critiques. Mostly, I think the plot and circumstances surrounding Betty's death were a bit contentious- could've done with an author's note in the back maybe, or some kind of 'discussion group' questions to make the reader think a bit more about it all. I was also a little confused by what the takeaway point was, as right at the end it seemed to raise the question of 'what can a human do' even though this didn't really come into it before. Also that Finley's approach towards Calder at the end was a bit odd, especially given
Spoiler what Betty said in her note
- however, admittedly, I don't know how I'd feel towards Calder in the same scenario. Lastly, I think that the character of Silas was somewhat odd- I guess it might be my own stereotypes etc., but I didn't really get how he was so sinister, aside from it being explicitly said, which
Spoiler made the denouement feel quite out of place
. That sounds like a lot of critique, but honestly, I did really enjoy this one! It's fully cemented my love for thriller and noir, and has made me add a lot more of the same genre to my reading list, which is definitely a sign of a good read!