A review by saralynnburnett
Love from Mecca to Medina by S.K. Ali


Adam and Zayneb must find their way back to each other in this romantic sequel to Love from A to Z. It was a sweet read but I can't say I loved it as much as the first. I think I'm more into the falling into love bits of romance than the driving each other crazy via miscommunications once you're together and then having to sort it all out.

The best part of this book for me was how much I learned. The vast majority of it takes place during an Umrah trip to Mecca & Medina. I've got a lot of Muslims in my life so it was eye opening since I'd only ever learned about Hajj. The descriptions of the Great Mosque of Mecca, the huge clocktower hotel there and all of that definitely sent me down a few rabbit holes on the internet. Some fascinating information there, down to the special type of marble used for the floor that is naturally cool.