A review by chelsea2020
Emblazed by Nikki Narvaez


Spoilers Alert!!

Wooow. What a complete and absolute waste of my time. I was no more impressed with this book than with its predecessor, "Envisioned." I'm glad I waited until I had absolutely nothing better to do with my time in order to read this stupid thing. Nothing would have been worth putting aside in order to read this book.

It was just as fast-paced as the first book and took just as little time to solve supposedly huge problems as it took making them in the first place. However, there was one situation that Sparxx seemed to find infinitely important and worthy of dwelling on for the majority of the damn book; the case of Hermes lusting after Brielle and stopping at nothing to rape her.

Why Sparxx felt this was such a huge deal that she would dwell on it for almost the entirety of this book, I don't have a fucking clue. It was an absolute waste to what I thought this book was going to be about. Hell, what this whole damn SERIES was going to be about!!

Wasn't the point to this whole series that Brielle was destined to kick Uranus's ass and save the world? With this book, the story wasn't about the issues of saving the world and Brielle coming into her awesome powers through her determination to aid in the greater good. Oh, no. This book has shown only the utmost care in completely centering itself around dwelling on the state of Brielle's fucking Virtue!! What...A...Fucking...Waste!!!

Last time I reviewed "Envisioned" I said that for all I cared, Brie could remain in fucking Hell. Well, now that she's decided to be even more idiotic than even I thought possible, for all I care she and Jace may remain in fucking Tartarus!!