A review by wulfwyn
Confessions of a Call Center Gal, by Lisa Lim


Maddy and her friend Karsynn get jobs in a call center. They did not set out to be one of those annoying people who you rarely understand and who aren't very helpful. They just needed a job. Maddy takes us from training to floor in a snarky fun way. Along the way we meet her coworkers , who are from different cultures, which provides more entertainment. We also get to peek inside Maddy and Kars private lives. We are privy to some of the calls which range from hilarious to heartbreaking. We learn about supervisor and Q&A who have no other goal than call turnover and selling of some product regardless of what is happening during the call. We learn about the stress that is placed on the call center employees and we hear the fun. I was entertained and was laughing out loud throughout the book.
Author Lisa Lim has managed to change my perception of call center employees somewhat. I believe I may be kinder to the next ones I deal with, unless they have that annoying automated system that they force me to go through first. Then all bets are off and I am cranky.

* I received this book for review by the author. No promise of a good review was given. No compensation was offered or received. The opinions expressed are my honest feelings about the book*