A review by puki
Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin



If I had to describe this book in one word, it'd be: FRUSTRATING.

This book made me want to scream my lungs out. I only found out through other reviews that this series was supposed to be a duology instead of a trilogy and to be honest...it shows.
I wouldn't say the plot is boring, it's just super stretched our with lots of filler scenes that do nothing to advance the plot. I still really love the writing and there were interesting plot points, but I still skipped a lot of passages, because they bored me.

And what the hell happened to the characters. I get that they went through something super traumatic, but it's like everyone did a 180 personality change.

Beau, Labeille and Ansel are fine. I like them, they're fun characters. Especially Beau, who gave some much needed comedic relief. But the other three? Nope nope nope nope.

Coco was a really fun character and I hate to see her being pushed into the background that much. I can't remember any memorable scene where she showed us what a badass she is. Not even in the Dames Rouge camp. Also that thing between her and Ansel... Does it have any purpose? Why is that even a thing? And using him to make Beau jealous, leading him on... Not cool.

Lou, Lou, Lou. What can I say. I love me some badass female leads and I have to admit I enjoyed watching her use her powers, even though that was meant to represent her decent into madness I couldn't help but cheer her on. What makes me mad is that everyone knows something is wrong, everyone is worried and scared, BUT NO ONE TRIES TO HELP HER. It's like you are seeing a person crossing the street and a car is approaching, but instead of pulling them aside oder just calling out a warning, you murmur to yourself "Oh, dear..." and then proceed to watch silently. Great friends. Really.

Reid made me feel various emotions. None of which I particularly wanted to feel regarding him. Anger. Frustration. The desperate need to punch him in the dick. It's like he's a shell of what he used to be (which understandable, he found out he's something he hated all his life, killed his father figure, ect.), but come on... He has this compulsive need to protect Lou, but simultaneously pushes her as far away from her as he can. First of all, ma gurl does not need protection. Least of all YOURS. Second of all he rejects her all the time and makes her feel like isn't she's worth the dirt under his feet, but when she rejects him she has the AUDACITY to whine like a baby. HOW DARE YOU. Its also breaks my heart watching her tell him how much she loves him and him not giving a shit. Great husband. Husband of the year. Here's you trophy: