A review by laurenjodi
Say You're Sorry by Melinda Leigh


Say You're Sorry
4 Stars

Series note: This is book #1 in the spin-off from Scarlet Falls. While the thriller plot is standalone, the characters are introduced in the previous series, and their backstories are essential to the characterization.

An exciting romantic suspense with an appealing couple and some gripping scenes. Nevertheless, there are one or two issues that prevent this from being a 5 star read.

Morgan and Lance's slow-burn romance is sweet, and the fact that they want more from each other than to simply scratch an itch adds to their emotional connection. They each have their own issues to overcome, and it will be interesting to see how this plays out in later books.

The suspense plot is well-paced with several action-packed moments. Nevertheless, some plot points lack sufficient development -
SpoilerNick's blood aversion, the hit on him in prison, and who saved his life
, and there are also inconsistencies in the killer's POV. As such, it is difficult for the reader to pin down his identity, and the revelation comes out of the blue.

This is a somewhat nitpicky observation, but I also found the language used to be jarring at times, particularly phrases related to the romance, i.e.,
Spoilergirl parts, swelling ovaries, superior genes

In sum, Say You're Sorry is the beginning of a promising storyline with compelling primary and secondary characters. I look forward to continuing with the series.