A review by emilylovesbooks94
Friendly Fire by Saxon James


I may have started out on the fence about Rafe and Cam, but their hilarious bickering and chemistry won me over. When I first started their story, I was really confused about Rafe and Cam's relationship: were they friends? enemies? friends who drifted apart? friends who were secretly in love? For quite a while, it was hard for me to tell if their bickering was playful or genuine. I think if I'd remembered more details about the previous books in this series it would have made more sense, but without that context I had no choice but to keep reading until I figured it out. To be fair, Cam and Rafe's history was a lot more complicated than others, and I don't think either man fully understood why they drifted apart over the years. I thought the intermittent flashbacks were really helpful in getting to know Cam and Rafe better, and they did answer a lot of my initial questions.

The present day storyline was much more emotional than I expected, and I can't imagine how scary it must have been for Rafe to question his sexuality while going through a breakup. It was wonderful to watch as he learned more about himself and came to accept his preferences, and Cam's support through it all made it clear how important their friendship was to him. When their relationship took a decidedly non-platonic turn, I was fully on-board. The natural connection Rafe and Cam had, the way they were so comfortable and relaxed around each other had me convinced that their bond was something special. Sure, their romance may not have played out like a "traditional" couple's, but that didn't make me any less invested in their happily-ever-after. Seeing Cam and Rafe tackle changing boundaries, nosy friends and family, and self-discovery without falling apart convinced me that they were willing to put in the effort to keep their relationship strong.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.