A review by wwatts1734
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen


Getting Things Done is a classic. Written in 2001, for the past 20 years this book has driven the life and career of David Allen and has assumed the title of masterpiece among works about personal productivity. Overall, this is a great book. It offers tremendous advice about how to organize your life and your workload so that you spend less time wondering what you should work on now and more time on actually working.

My only criticism of this book is that it is far too tedious. Much of the book is a detailed description of how to organize papers, emails and other aspects of work. This is great for readers who want to follow the program and implement its suggestions, but it bogs down the book tremendously. Perhaps this material could have been relegated to an appendix or even another volume. The book could benefit from a revision where the main points are spelled out succinctly and the minutia is separated from that.