A review by calistareads
Bat Citizens: Defending the Ninjas of the Night by Rob Laidlaw


What a fun little non-fiction book about some of my favorite mammals = bats. This is all about education. It’s very well done. Every other page highlighted a kid or teen who is doing something to educate the public in their area about bats. The book has a focus on kids and all the neat things you can do to support these misunderstood creatures. They aren’t blind and they don’t spread disease the way we say. They can spread disease like rabies, but it is a rare occurrence when that happens.

This is colorful and it has lots of chunks of information to keep the eye and interest going. The niece really enjoyed this book and thought they looked cute. I might have a little influence there as I love them so much. I miss my bat box. The nephew thought the bats look cool in a monster sort of way. He associates them with his monster shows, so win anyway. The nephew thought this was 3 stars and the niece gave this 4 stars.

Yeah, non-fiction and science books.