A review by lacyparrish
Claimed by the Mountain Man by Gemma Weir


As I say on all these reviews -- there is an author's note at the beginning ... don't like alpha-holes? Don't read this book. If you do, Penn is a delightful addition to the brother's stories. I like that we get more of the town's opinions on this Barnett brother affliction and given that they all seem to be good people raised by good people, everyone just rolls with it. Lulu literally runs into Penn on her first day at work and genuinely struggles with being his person.
Given her past with the couple who she was supposed to be a surrogate for and then keeping the baby when they ditched her, I can fully understand her conflict: protect myself and my little one against falling for this mountain man who consumes my thoughts. Add in a crazy pseudo-cousin whose own mother cannot handle her and we've got a wild ride of story.

Full Rating (out of 10 possible): 7.571 (based on a modified CAWPILE system)
Romance level (out of 5 possible): 4 (for on-page, detailed intimacy scenes)