A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who: The Blue Tooth by Nigel Fairs

I started off loving this purely on the grounds of Cambridge nostalgia, as Liz Shaw returns to her alma mater to sort out certain strange goings on (promising, in the framing narrative, to explain why she left UNIT). Certainly the portrayal of the University Dental Service on Trumpington Street as a place of horror, pain and fear was still perfectly accurate from my time there, twenty years after Liz Shaw. I also liked the continuity of the Cybermen being a legacy of the failed Invasion. But I went off it in the end: Liz, one of the really brainy Doctor Who companions, ends up being all fainting and unconscious and having to be rescued, and Caroline John does not really succeed in doing the voices of the Third Doctor and the Brigadier especially well. This was in the end my least favourite of the first four, though perhaps a non-Cantabrian listener will have fewer dashed expectations than I did.