A review by hjswinford
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis


2022 reread: I didn't remember much of this one from reading it originally years ago, so this was fun. It's a great conclusion to the series, story-wise, and also ripe with meat of religious commentary and allegory. I found the Tash bit, where Aslan says that he counts devotion to Tash as devotion to him was interesting, especially as that's quite a controversial thing to contemplate....I like that Lewis doesn't shy away from giving even adult readers things to think about. I've always remembered that Susan doesn't return in this book and I....I don't know....I kind of like it? Like it makes perfect sense for her that she would have "outgrown" Narnia. Sure, the ones who remain throw shade at her for this, but it seems realistic to me that of all these kids, not all of them would have remained "call-able" throughout their lives. I also didn't remember Puzzle at all from my first read, but he was so stinkin' lovable and I was so glad he got a good ending after being gaslit to high heavens in the first few chapters. Puzzle FTW.