A review by ivleafclover
Murder & Other Acts of Literature by Michele Slung, A.A. Milne, Anthony Trollope


Completely entertaining. Some stories are fun, some intensely serious. I didn't necessarily enjoy every story--I don't have an affinity for some of these authors (e.g., Cheever, Trollope, Faulkner)--but all of the stories were well chosen for this anthology. My favorites were:

1. The Fat Man by Isak Dinesen (the most affecting)
2. The Macbeth Murder Mystery by James Thurber (the funniest, of course)
3. The Widow and the Parrot: A True Story by Virginia Woolf (the happiest, most satisfying ending, and a surprise, since Woolf normally makes my eye twitch)
4. In Vino Veritas by A. A. Milne (excellent surprise ending)

#ReadICT category 8: Essay or short story collection