A review by paperclipbox
Milk Fed by Melissa Broder


288 pages of borderline-incestuous sexual fantasies being used as a metaphor for eating disorders ... 😬😬yikes 

The characters are bland and unlikeable, the writing style is pitifully dull, and the plot is essentially non-existant. Blatant insensitivity of the topics it covers aside, there is nothing enjoyable about this book. I knew this going in, I anticipated it to be bad, and yet my expectations were exceeded! I am simply dumbfounded by how horrendous this book was. I applaud Melissa Broder for her ability to make sex into something so violently unsexy. The "intimate" scenes read like something that would be right at home on wattpad. Never once in my time here on God's Green Earth have I thought the word "sludge" should be used when describing lesbian sex. I would add more awful quotes into this review, but I've blocked them out of my mind, and I feel no desire to go back and rediscover them. Absolutely egregious. I didn't think it could get worse than another of her novels, The Pisces, and yet here we are.