A review by sumayyaha
Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFleur


Rating - 3 Stars

This book could have made me shed loose tears a few years ago, maybe, before I read [b:Counting by 7s|15937108|Counting by 7s|Holly Goldberg Sloan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1396225872l/15937108._SY75_.jpg|19034797] which felt like a very similar story but so much more heart written into it. Suzanne LaFleur's writing in this was really simple. I know from a child's perspective, you should expect that. But it was so straight to the point that nothing really resonated with me. I've heard many grief-centered stories over the years, some real some fictional, and this, unfortunately, is not one I have any particular feelings for.