A review by toyareads26
You Don't Know Me by Sara Foster


My worst reading experiences are the ones when I'm expecting something and then end up being totally disappointed. This book turned out to be just that so I will try to keep this review brief. I think I have run into the problem of books being marketed as one things but end up being something entirely different. This book is marketed as a thriller (I was expecting a thriller), but I honestly thought it read more like romantic suspense. For me, there was too much romance and it was a little on the mushy side at times especially with the dialogue. I would have been okay with this had I not been expecting a thriller. I'm sorry to say this but at some points this read like a Danielle Steele or Nora Roberts book (no offense). Or even like a bad Lifetime movie. Also, I found it to be repetitive in places and that made it a bit of a chore to read. It was so slow at times that I had to force myself to finish. The mystery at the heart of the story was just okay even though the reveal felt a little rushed. However, I did think the plot was good. I just wish that it had maybe been executed differently. The book did pick up a little and I found myself wanting to know how it would all play out, but I it didn't quite make up for the slow start. The first half or so felt like it was leading to nowhere. I found myself wishing that the book would just get on with it and I was impatient with the pacing. Aside from that (or because of it), I never really got into the story and I didn't connect with it or the characters. Speaking of the characters, they were really one dimensional and they needed to be fleshed out more. It was also a bit unrealistic. I understand bad things happen but I think some of the trauma the characters went through was unnecessary.

My overall feelings about the book are that it is a light and easy read. If you are into suspense novels that aren't too dark then I think you would enjoy this. If you are looking for a gripping thriller; be warned there is nothing about this book that qualifies it to be called a thriller. I did enjoy the podcast elements of the story and I think that the ending was satisfying. I was surprised at how emotional the ending was and I'm glad it wasn't too cheesy. All in all, this was an okay read that would have been better had it not been marketed as a thriller.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the advanced readers' copy.