A review by tamutheshamu
Twisted Myths: 20 Classic Stories with a Dark and Dangerous Heart by Maura McHugh


* 3.5 Stars *

Being the fairly invested mythology buff that I am, when I saw this book on the 'featured' shelf at my library, I just snatched it up without a second thought. I'll make this review pretty straight-to-the-point.

The myths covered in this collection of stories are not really what I would define as "twisted". Is it because I've already read so many different myths that nothing truly surprises me anymore? Possibly. However, the myths in here resembled each other a lot, and it started to get less "messed-up" and surprising as the book continued. The illustrations are probably the only extremely interesting parts in this book (filled with color, brought the stories to life).

McHugh does a good job incorporating world myths in here, which is a breath of fresh air from the already-large collection of Greek/Roman mythology re-tellings.

Overall, not my favorite book of mythology, but I would consider this to be a good way of getting into mythology from a general standpoint.
