A review by amyiw
The Rift Walker by Clay Griffith


4 1/2
Something pulled me back to these characters this week. The first book was slow to start and a bit boring. It had me worrying that the next might be same. It wasn't. The first book does all the set up for the 2nd so we don't need the work up and slow feel. Instead it starts out quick and stays that way throughout. There is usually a few story lines going but you know the characters and they will cross, you can see it coming, so you don't feel like there is no reason or that it is set up.

I started reading this one night, put it down about 1/3 of the way through and read the rest the next day. It was great. The reason I give it only 4 1/2 stars is that it is incomplete and leaves you hanging in many ways. The last book did that but only to a small degree. The main story felt like it was complete. Here there are many loose ends and the main story is just at a major point. So this felt more like a half story. Since my understanding is that the stories all finish in the next book, I think I'll like it even more. (Update, I just finished book 3 and do like this one more because of it)

Could I stop here? No not really, you want the rest of the story. I'm already reading it. So be ready to read the next book too. If it were more complete I may have given it a 5 star.