A review by lmrivas54
Black Knight by Rina Kent


This book was so dark!!! I was expecting a bully story but this went beyond the bullying. Xander and Kim were neighbors and best friends until they were seven years old. Then, inexplicably, Xander turns against Kimberly and starts to hate her and treat her horribly. Poor Kimberly already suffers with an absent father and an emotionally abusive mother. She’s depressed, anorexic, bulimic and the only thing that’s keeping her sane is her little brother Kirian whom she loves to pieces.

Both Xander and Kim have parents that fail to comply with what we expect from loving parents. Kim’s father is always traveling for work, her mother acts like she hates her and is constantly berating her for her overweight. Xander’s father is always disapproving of his son’s actions, always demanding good behavior for his political ambitions. His mother left them years ago. Although both families are affluent, they are certainly living in turmoil.

Kim is subject to bullying at school, like she doesn’t have enough at home. The principal instigator and the most vicious in her harsh treatment is Xander. And the worst part, they have friends in common so Kim can’t evade Xander all the time.

Their story is convoluted and dark. There is a lot of hate initially, then you start to perceive the cracks beneath the veneer. You start to perceive that Xander has a strange attachment to Kim, even though he bullies and insults her. Kim’s little brother adores Xander and his love is returned. It’s surreal to see Xander treat Kir with so much love and share babysitting duties with the little boy, act like nothing weird is happening, meanwhile, hating Kim on the sly.

When a tragedy occurs, all the secrets come out, there’s a huge implosion and everything you thought you knew about the characters is turned sideways. The story keeps you riveted with this fascination that stems partly from incredulity. Their existence is so far removed from our normality! I cried at times because Kim’s ordeal gets to such painful limits, but she turns out to be a stronger person than everyone thought.

There were parts of the story that didn’t have a lot of credibility for me; however, it was entertaining, intense, a little too dark at times, and very sad other times. I didn’t find it disturbing but did think the characters were way to cruel with Kim, so that was a little off-putting. The writing was brilliant and the pace fast, just how I like it, so good job!