A review by readermelodie
Illusion by Nikole Knight


 Things are heating up, wow!!

A lot of drama, but it helps the plot. Also, I really enjoy that the two are not fine with sharing Riley, shows how tough sharing one's love is!

There was a lot of humour, and I really like Uriel, he is such a contrast as in private/ public personality!

I also enjoy Riley's Alter personality! Keeps Riley interesting and you really never know how he will react to certain things!

》“Fucking Hades.” Jai shuddered, feigning a gag. “There’s no way in this life or any other that I’m getting anywhere near Gideon’s ass!”
“Well, now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings,”《

Revelations, ⭐⭐⭐.5
Sacrifice, ⭐⭐⭐.5
Author not followed !