A review by theromancespace
Silenced by Serena Akeroyd


At the start of this book I was thinking "Serena, honey, where are we going with this?" but of course, I trusted the process and I freakin` loved this book.

I loved getting to know all these new characters and getting snippets from the old. I've been dying to know more about Maxim and Victoria however I was more than pleased with this introduction to Niko and Cassie.

The book jumps into the drama right from the start. Cassie is in the most undesirable predicament and when Nikolai's eyes land on her he convinces himself she is the only woman for him. The rest is history. I loved the character arc for both of them. I enjoyed their journey so much. My favorite thing about Cassie was that she was so real and relatable. Her inner monologues were just hilarious and probably what all of us Mafia girlies would be thinking if we were kidnapped by a morally gray alpha hottie.

IMO this is one of the best interconnected series that I've read. I'm constantly stunned by [a:Serena Akeroyd|7205755|Serena Akeroyd|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1685644406p2/7205755.jpg] ability to weave a story. I'm absolutely obsessed with the world she has created and thoroughly impressed with how she finds new ways to expand and grow the story. I can't wait to learn more about the new players in the game. It's safe to say i'm already craving book 2.